Monday, February 7, 2011

Good Friday 2011 SMS Texs Messages
Good Friday 2010 SMS Messages: Good Friday is a holiday Christian festival behind commemorates the crucifixion and Jesus Christ. I walk up early in morning and see my mobile calendar event, then I god ideal to write article on Good Friday SMS messages for my blog readers.

1) The cross was 2 pieces of dead wood
And a helpless unresisting Man was
Nailed 2 it yet it was mightier dan
The world and triumphed & will

2) I am the witness
2 his fearless death
I am a token of his
Last promise -
I am The CROSS
Blessings on Good Friday

3) Three dreams of a man:
To be as handsome as his mother thinks
To be as rich as his child believes
To have as many women as his wife suspects

4) Mercy, Pleace & Love
May the grace & Lord...
Surround u & b with u
On Good Friday

5) And he said 2 them, 'Thus it iz written,
That The Messiah is 2 suffer
And 2 rise frm da dead on da 3rd day...
May God Bless You on this Holy Day

6) He showed us da way
He has long been gone
And yet in our hearts
His name shines on....
Wish u a Holy Friday!

7) Pray 2 the Holy
Kiss his tender feet
That he lead u ever
And hear your bleat...
Wish u a sacred Friday!


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